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White Label

Getting started with the White Label product is designed to be as streamlined as possible. The only prerequisite before making the first call is a valid API Key.

Step 1 - Sync the Client

Make a call to the Client Sync Endpoint using the correct Authentication Headers. Including as much information as possible will make the user experience go more smoothly. This will return an ssoToken that will be used in the next step.

Example Client Sync Request

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "client": {
      "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
      "meta": {
        "firstName": "Demo",
        "lastName": "User",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "123-123-1234",
        "address1": "123 Api St.",
        "address2": "P.O. Box 283",
        "city": "Demo",
        "state": "Q2",
        "zipcode": "12345"
    "token": {
      "expiration": "2025-01-30T00:00:00.000Z"
    "cards": [{
      "identifier": "fiId123",
      "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
      "cardCode": "123",
      "cardType": "credit",
      "cardBrand": "visa",
      "expMonth": "02",
      "expYear": "2040",
      "zipcode": "12345",
      "name": "Demo User",
      "setAsDefault": "true",
      "customLabel": "Entertainment Rewards Card"

Example Client Sync Response

  "clientId": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
  "ssoToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoiNWYwMzY1YTdhZjkyODg5NjhiNTNiM2QzIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk0MDU4OTQ1LCJleHAiOjE1OTQxNDUzNDUsImlzcyI6IlBBWUJJREVUIiwic3ViIjoiNWYwMzY1YTdhZjkyODg5NjhiNTNiM2QzIn0.kO_x9cZRlhI4dyGarOPI1w2gW2QI-ObqyKFdXKs64Ek",
  "cards": [{
    "paymentMethodId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
    "identifier": "fiId123"

Step 2 - Append SSO Token

Build a valid White Label URL by appending the ssoToken to the end.

Example Valid CardSwap URL

Step 3 - Load URL in an iFrame

Open the constructed URL from Step 2 into an iFrame, new tab, webview, or other valid means of loading a website.

Nothing else is needed at this point. The White Labels are fully responsive on desktop and mobile. For demo sites, visit the product pages: CardSwap