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Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens on behalf of your users. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new Event object. For example, when a new bill is received, we create a bill.update event; when a bill payment is sent, we create a bill.payment event.

We have a system for sending the event objects directly to an endpoint on your server, called webhooks. Webhooks are managed in Nexus.

The event object

Example Response

  "_id": "580e3e11dec21e861b5a3719",
  "type": "bill.update",
  "created": "2016-04-20T16:51:12Z",
  "clientId": "579b695decfa110127118752",
  "sessionId" : "your-session-id-if-supplied-12345",
  "identifier": "example-id-123",
  "partnerId": "55942f330cfcfd6c4ed529d9",
  "payload": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "579b695decfa11012711875d",
      "type": "bill"
    "data": {
      "previous": {
        "balance": "25.21"
      "current": {
        "balance": "52.11"
_idID of the event.
typeDescription of the event: e.g. bill.issued, bill.updated, etc.
clientIdThe id of the client to which the event pertains.
partnerIdThe id of the partner to which the event pertains.
sessionIdYour internal identifier associated with the client session as described in Sessions.
identifierYour internal identifier associated with the client.
createdAn ISO 8601 formatted date of when this event was created.
payloadObject containing data associated with the event..
payload.resourceObject containing data associated with the resource of the event.
payload.resource.idID of the resource associated with the event.
payload.resource.typeThe type of resource associated with the event. Possible values are bill.
payload.dataObject containing unique attributes per type as described in types of events.