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Create a token to be used for SSO into applications.

When creating subsequent tokens for an existing client, be sure to use the same identifier value. If a client already exists with this identifier, then any actions taken within the context of a Product will be linked to that client.

HTTP Request



identifierA unique identifier that represents a user in your system.
nonceOptional - boolean specifying whether the token is for one time use. Default is false.
expirationAn ISO 8601 formatted date that sets when this token will expire. If no expiration is specified, the token will expire after 24 hours.
accessTokenExpiresInOptional - number of seconds that an access token issued using the SSO token is valid. Default is 1 hour (3600).


Returns an object with a token property that can be used to SSO into applications.

Example Request

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer dc220490-e6ee-11e5-8a94-e7385a8d929e" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "identifier": "Bk0zwVx1Z",
    "accessTokenExpiresIn": 3600

Example Response

  "token": "566595c8ce88ccec69328566c8ce8595c8"