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The company object

The company object returned when searching or receiving webhook events.

_idID of the company.
nameName of the company.
categoriesCategories of the company. A company may fall under multiple categories.
statusThe operational status of the company at any given moment of time. Possible values are operational, maintenance.
fullyAutomatedBillDEPRECATED If true, then bill aggregation and payments are fully automated. Possible values are true, false.
fullyAutomatedCardSwapIf true, then swapping a card is fully automated. Possible values are true, false.
logoCompany logo object.
logo.urlURL of the company logo.
logo.backgroundIf this is true, then the logo looks best as a background image.
logo.svgCompany logo svg object.
logo.svg.urlURL of the company svg logo.
logo.svg.colorHex color of the company logo.
requiredPaymentDEPRECATED If a specific payment method type is required by this company, this will be defined. Possible values are bank, card.
userPresenceRequiredIf the company requires that the user is present to pass through any security flows. See best practices in the Connect documentation.
additionalPaymentOptionsDEPRECATED Present when the company provides additional payment options that allow users to make payments towards their outstanding balance.
feesDEPRECATED The surcharge object. Possible child objects are ach, `cards
fees.achDEPRECATED Present when the company applies surcharges to ACH payments.
fees.ach.percentageDEPRECATED If the ACH surcharge is a percentage of the payment amount.
fees.ach.rateDEPRECATED Either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
fees.cardsDEPRECATED Present when the company applies surcharges to card payments. Possible child objects are american express, discover, mastercard, and visa, referred to below as {cardBrand}. See example company response. Possible child objects are credit or debit, referred to below as {cardType}.{cardBrand}.{cardType}.percentage`DEPRECATED If the surcharge is a percentage of the payment amount.{cardBrand}.{cardType}.rateDEPRECATED Either a dollar amount or a percentage amount.
authCompany auth fields.
auth.urlsCompany Auth Urls (login URL is always available, but the others can by null).
auth.urls.loginLogin URL.
auth.urls.signupSignup URL.
auth.urls.forgotPasswordForgot password URL.
auth.urls.forgotUsernameForgot username URL.
auth.loginFieldsForm fields for credentials.
auth.loginFields.placeholderInput placeholder field.
auth.loginFields.formTypeInput type field.
auth.loginFields.nameInput name field.
auth.loginFields.labelLabel for input.

Sample Response

  "_id": "579b695decea110719b1874d",
  "name": "Netflix",
  "categories": ["streaming"],
  "status": "operational",
  "fullyAutomatedBill": true,
  "fullyAutomatedCardSwap": false,
  "logo": {
    "url": "",
    "background": false,
    "svg": {
      "url": "",
      "color": "FF041F"
  "requiredPayment": "bank",
  "schedule": "on-due-date",
  "additionalPaymentOptions": [{
    "type": "custom-payment-amount",
    "settings": {
      "canExceedBalance": false
  "auth": {
    "urls": {
      "login": "",
      "signup": ""
    "loginFields": [{
      "placeholder": "Username",
      "formType": "text",
      "name": "username",
      "label": "Username"
    }, {
      "placeholder": "Password",
      "formType": "password",
      "name": "password",
      "label": "Password"
  "geo": {
    "lat": 30.70,
    "lng": -95.53,
    "state_short": "TX",
    "state_long": "Texas",
    "zipcode": "77340"
  "fees": {
      "ach": {
          "rate": 1.5,
          "percentage": false
      "cards": {
          "american express": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "discover": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "mastercard": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "visa": {
              "credit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false
          "amex": {
              "debit": {
                  "rate": 1.5,
                  "percentage": false